We invite you, as a state OREC leader, to speak / present at a CASE COMPETITION at Outdoor Media Summit, April 21-23, 2020 in Estes Park, CO.
We’re big believers in the grassroots movement and potential that state OREC directors have to the overall outdoor industry. We want to contribute however we can. After speaking with Nathan Fey and Amy Allison, it became apparent that a Case Competition would be a great avenue for state offices to brainstorming creative solutions for common challenges.
You submit your challenges to the room, room divides into teams and brainstorms solutions, then presents the solutions to the room. It’s a great way to crowd source ideas from the sharpest minds in the outdoor industry.
Outdoor Media Summit is where the sharpest minds in media and marketing in the outdoor industry gather to learn, network, and solve problems. We will have 180 top media and marketers at this year’s conference.
The sharpest media and marketing minds in the outdoor industry will be in the room, brainstorming solutions to the most challenging issues facing state OREC offices.
As a Speaker, we will pay for your flight, hotel, meals and conference ticket. We really want you there! The Case competition starts on the morning of April 23 so we’d love to fly you in on the 21st or 22nd and fly you out on the 23rd.